Questions on Sammy and his Shepherd – He restores my soul
• What does it mean for a sheep to be cast down?
• How does a sheep get into a cast position?
• Can a sheep restore himself to a right position?
• What causes our souls to be cast down?
• Who restores us?
Is there anything hard in your life right now? Ask Jesus to use it to help you trust Him more.
Is there some sin in your heart? Ask Jesus to give you grace to repent. Ask Him to cleanse you from that sin.
Sometimes we want everything to be soft and easy, but our Good Shepherd knows that we need some hard times to make us strong and to help us learn to trust Him. Sometimes our lives become tangled with sin. When we are angry, disobedient, disrespectful, or selfish, our souls become cast down. But if we ask our Good Shepherd to forgive us, He cleanses us from sin and restores us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1 v9).
Sermon – My Restorer – Psalm _ _ v 3
What Bible passages were read today?
Psalm _ _ and John _ _
1. You have a s _ _ _
2. Your soul is _ _ _ k
You are a t _ _ _ _ _ _ d soul
3. Jesus has made it possible for what to happen to your soul?
4. The evidence of a restored soul is l _ _ _ for J _ _ _ _
Which of the disciples in John 21 was restored by Jesus?
What had to happen to Peter before he could be restored?
What did Peter later write in 1st Peter 5 v 5-7 ?