Update on the recommencement of Divine worship services in the Meeting House.
As a result of the government’s changes to lockdown rules the Kirk Session has decided to recommence Sunday services of worship on Sunday 26th July 2020 at 12 noon, DV.
We are aware that not everyone will be able to return to such a gathering as yet – nor are we suggesting that everyone ought to do so. The current pandemic has not ended and we need to move forward with care and wisdom.
Kirk Session will be endeavouring to ensure a safe return to corporate worship services.
If you are feeling unwell or think you have come into contact with someone who may have the coronavirus – we would urge you not to attend these services, and to follow the government medical guidance.
If you plan to attend the services, you will be expected to follow the guidance of the stewards regarding seating arrangements etc. It would be appreciated if you could arrive early, if possible. We will be implementing the government’s social distancing guidance – currently 2 metres. Only those from the same household may sit together. The services can be relayed to the side rooms and the church hall depending on the numbers attending. In this regard, while social distancing restrictions are in place, it would be helpful if you could let your district elder know in advance, each week, if you plan to attend.
Presbyterian Church in Ireland guidance will also be followed in that ‘those leading from the front should be at least four metres away from the front row of the congregation’.
Initially the services will last for 30 minutes and will be for all ages.
We will be singing praise to our God and Saviour as part of these services of worship.
There will not be any crèche facility or Children’s Church until further notice.
Toilet facilities will be available, but we would ask you to treat these as for emergency use only. Face masks are not compulsory.
To minimise risk:
The church buildings will be well ventilated.
We will not be giving out announcement sheets.
The doors will be open for you as you enter and leave the building.
An offering basket will be on the vestibule table for those who don’t wish to use electronic banking.
Hand sanitiser will be available – but to prevent delay when entering the building it would be helpful if you used your own hand sanitiser as you leave your vehicle. You will hopefully not need to touch any surface in the building except the seat you sit on. The buildings will not be used for midweek meetings until further notice. Appropriate cleaning guidelines will be adhered to.
The online services will continue until further notice, in addition to the CD and DVD recordings. Many things change but God’s Word reminds us –
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8
Philip Mckelvey