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In light of Government advice, until further notice, all our congregational organisations and Sunday worship services will cease.
We will keep you updated on developments and resources to help you worship God during this unprecedented situation.
Funeral Services will be limited to immediate family members only, or as future government guidance directs.

These are deeply uncertain times as the Covid-19 pandemic continues daily to grow in severity, fear is also growing.

The Lord Jesus said “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” John 14 v 27

Keep your eyes, by faith, on Jesus.

Some good news – Ligonier’s entire library of hundreds of teaching series is currently free to stream. Download the app and stream thousands of messages from R.C. Sproul, the Ligonier Teaching Fellows, and other gifted pastors and teachers. Or browse more than 2,500 messages on their website – topics in biblical studies, theology, church history, Christian living, worldview …

You can find out more about Ligonier here